Want to look in better shape in time for reunion season? Here are important things to remember.
Featured | Me Time | By Trixie Reyna on September 26, 2022
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By the time October rolls around, we’ll be bracing ourselves for a packed social calendar (especially with everyone on revenge dining and travel mode). If you’re like me, you’d want to look your best when you meet up with friends and family, especially those you haven’t seen since before the pandemic hit. You’d want extra energy to keep up with a busier last quarter of the year. And with everyone on revenge shopping mode, too, maybe you’d want to look extra fit for all the new outfits you plan on buying and wearing to these occasions. Or maybe you just want to shed a few pounds to make room for all the upcoming holiday feasts you plan to indulge in.

Whatever your reason, making the decision to start leading a healthier lifestyle is a great one. However, it can be challenging to know where to begin. There are many things to consider, such as what changes you want to make and how you will fit them into your schedule. Below are five things to remember if you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle for whatever reason:


Photo by Daniel Reche

1. Your overall health.

Before getting started, it is important to consult your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to make lifestyle changes. You will need to be honest with your doctor about your current health status and medications. Your doctor can help you create a plan that is right for you.

If you have any chronic health conditions, it is important to work with your doctor to create a plan to help you manage your condition while making lifestyle changes. For example, if you have diabetes, you will need to monitor your blood sugar levels more closely when making changes to your diet or activity level. Making healthy lifestyle changes can help improve your overall health and quality of life, even if you have a chronic health condition.

2. Your current lifestyle.

Are you someone who already has a relatively healthy diet and exercises regularly? Or are you starting from scratch? It is important to be honest with yourself about your current lifestyle. This will help you set realistic goals for yourself.

If you are starting from scratch, it is essential to take things slowly at first. Making too many changes at once can be overwhelming and difficult to stick to. Try making one change at a time and gradually adding more as you become more comfortable.

If you already have a healthy lifestyle, there may still be room for improvement. For example, maybe you want to start eating cleaner or exercising more regularly. Whatever your goals are, make sure they are realistic and achievable.

3. Your schedule.

When making lifestyle changes, consider how they will fit into your schedule. For example, if you have a busy lifestyle, you may need to get creative to make time for healthy habits.

One way to do this is to meal prep or cook in bulk on weekends so that you have healthy meals ready during the week. Another way is to exercise in the morning before your day gets too busy. If you have kids, there are plenty of ways to incorporate physical activity into family time (i.e. dancing or running around with your toddler). Get creative and find what works for you!

Making time for healthy habits can be difficult, but it is vital to make your health a priority. Schedule some “me” time into your week and use it to take care of yourself. Your body will thank you!

4. Your available tools and gear.

You’ll need some basic equipment to get started with leading a healthy lifestyle. This may include a quality pair of Nike running gear and a water bottle from THE ICONIC. If you’re unsure where to start, consider talking to a salesperson at your local sporting goods store for guidance. They can help you find the right gear to fit your budget and fitness goals.

Don’t forget that leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about working out; it’s also about eating right. So, in addition to investing in some hip new workout clothes and gear, you may also want to try stocking your kitchen with healthy food options. This could mean anything from buying more fruits and vegetables to investing in a quality blender for making smoothies. Again, the goal is to find what works for you and will help you stick to your healthy lifestyle goals.

5. Your motivation.

Finally, it is crucial to consider your motivation for wanting to lead a healthy lifestyle. What are your specific goals? For example, do you want to lose weight, gain muscle, improve cardiovascular health, or feel better overall? Your motivation will help you decide what lifestyle changes to make as well as stay on track when you feel like giving up, so choosing something truly important to you is vital.

Suppose you are motivated by a specific goal; set realistic expectations for yourself. It is important to remember that changes in your lifestyle will take time, and there may be setbacks along the way. However, if you remain committed to your goals and persist through the challenges, you will eventually succeed.

Consider many things if you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle. However, the most important thing is to just get started! Take things one step at a time, and eventually, you will reach your goals.

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