This motivates thousands of driver and delivery partners in Cebu to be on the road to help local businesses better reach and serve consumers, and provide safe mobility services to Cebuanos.
Travel | By Trixie Reyna on April 12, 2021
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One of my favorite travel destinations, Cebu, is among the hardest hit by the pandemic, and is only now gradually reopening. I’m happy to hear this. But until then, just like everywhere else in the country, mobility and on-demand delivery services will continue to be in demand in Cebu. We can’t travel or go out yet, but we have needs to be met, and there are frontliners like riders and drivers who risk their lives to get these things to us.

Two major brands that support these needs, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation and Grab Philippines, have come together to provide support to Grab’s driver and delivery partners who play a key role in supporting Cebu’s (and the whole country’s) longer-term socio-economic recovery through safe and reliable mobility and delivery services.

Grab x Shell body

Pilipinas Shell and Grab Philippines collaborated on a range of initiatives benefiting thousands of Grab driver and delivery partners in Cebu, helping them save up on their daily expenses and maximize their earnings on the Grab platform. It included fuel discounts and budget meals as low as PHP30.00 in Shell Select Stores in March and April. But the more lasting and vital support is how Grab delivery-partners will no longer need to queue behind other cars and vehicles, as Shell has also dedicated special biker lanes to ensure that their vehicles are well-conditioned to continuously serve consumers and support merchant-partners in Cebu.

Besides this convenience, to support their medical consultation and insurance needs, select Grab driver and delivery partners who have maintained a monthly average re-fuel of 200 Liters and 50 Liters, respectively, for at least six months, can also qualify for insurance and telemedicine services via the Shell Go+ Pro Loyalty Program. Furthermore, Grab driver and delivery partners in Cebu may also apply for Shell-subsidized scholarships for their children—easing their worries on tuition fees and allowing them to make the most from their earnings on the Grab platform.

By providing meaningful support to Grab’s driver and delivery partners in Cebu, Pilipinas Shell and Grab Philippines aim to encourage and motivate driver and delivery partners to be on the road and help local businesses continuously serve their consumers—opening up revenue streams for these enterprises that are just getting back on their feet.

Grab driver and delivery partners support the community by helping restart businesses and bringing essential goods and services to the public in a safe and reliable manner. They also provide safe transport services to many Cebuanos (and overall, Filipinos) who need to be in their workplaces to perform essential economic activities.

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